
Mechanical Vein
'The Storm You Can't Contain'

Support the artists & HYBRID BLAK Records by pre-saving the album.

MV's debut album has been hotly anticipated for a while, and its arrival is imminent!
It features an absolute barrage of collaborators... Alicia Mayhem, Biomechanimal, Caustic, ER4SE, Faderhead, Lecture, MORIS BLAK, Saltee, & 1 more TBA.

Click the button to follow Mechanical Vein & the HYBRID BLAK playlist, and have the album tracks saved to your Spotify library on release day.
Currently available advance tracks will be saved immediately.
Thanks so much for your support! 🖤

HYBRID BLAK Records ::: Genre-Bending Dark Bass

All inquiries/comments/etc:    contact.hybridblak -at- gmail.com